CALL FOR PAPERS for the Bessemer Symposium in Economic Geography of Innovation (Early Careers Research Symposium)
July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024
July 11, 2024
Useful links
We are collaborating with The University of Sheffield, The British Academy and The Office for National Statistics to organise a 2-day Early Careers Research Symposium on 19th-20th September at The University of Sheffield.
The symposium will bring together Early Careers Researchers (including doctoral students, post-doc researchers, and new lecturers (up to 5 years from completion of PhD)) working on related topics, and will provide them with the opportunity to discuss and present their papers and ongoing research with established researchers.
The symposium will discuss the latest advancements in the analysis of the economic geography of innovation, considering also new and alternative data and methods to analyse the spatial distribution of innovative activities, providing new insights about the geography of innovation and regional technological specialisation.
We are currently looking for participants to apply with works linked, but not only limited, to the following topics:
- Spatial distribution of innovative activities
- Agglomeration, innovation and knowledge spillovers
- People, places and innovation
- Regional technological specialisation
- The geography of R&D and innovation collaborations
- The economic geography of green technologies and innovation
- Public policies for regional innovation
- New and alternative data and methods to measure R&D and innovation
- Economic geography analysis of innovation in all its different forms
During the symposium, there will also be:
- A keynote speech by Prof. Neil Lee, Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics.
- A training session on advanced analysis of non-traditional innovation data sources led by Dr. Sergio Petralia from Utrecht University, including text mining and automated data collection using patents, publications, and GitHub data.
- A meet-the-editors session giving ECRs the opportunity to discuss research publication with editors from top-ranked peer-reviewed international journals, such as Research Policy and Regional
The deadline to apply is Sunday 4th August (COP).