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IRC Membership

August 15, 2023

The ambition for the IRC is to become a world-leading centre of excellence, providing evidence and insights on the research and innovation system. To achieve this the IRC is looking to build a community of research and innovation experts from across the social sciences and beyond to proactively and responsively engage with the funders. In this way, the work of the IRC has the potential to inform and shape future programmes, interventions and investments, to support UKRI in delivering greater societal and economic benefits from investments in research and innovation.

Academics and researchers with expertise in the fields of innovation and research policy are welcome to become members of the IRC network. Applicants who wish to join will need to complete the membership signup form to demonstrate their interest and expertise. Decisions about membership will be agreed by the IRC Co-Directions.

Membership Benefits

Membership is currently free and very easy to apply for. You will gain access to:

  • Member newsletters
  • The opportunity to share your own news, events and publications with the IRC community
  • The opportunity to apply for research funding calls under the IRC
  • The opportunity to engage with colleagues from across UKRI to help catalyse and support the UK’s research, business and innovation communities in order to help make the UK a global leader in innovation and research.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the IRC, please complete the form below.

Sign up to be a member of the IRC Network

If provided, this will be displayed on the IRC Members webpage to facilitate collaboration and networking.
What Career Stage are you?

This will help target IRC activities and events.
Please provide a couple of sentences outlining your main research interests.
Please provide 3-4 keywords to summarise your research interests.(Required)
These will be used to create a directory of members’ interests and thus facilitate future collaborations between our members.
Please indicate which IRC theme(s) your research most closely align to(Required)
How did you find out about the IRC network?

By clicking ‘submit’ you agree that your application is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge and also that you consent to the details of your application being shared with Oxford Brookes University, University of Warwick, University of Manchester, Cambridge University, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Research & Innovation and the IRC membership.