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Council of Experts

August 14, 2023

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To support the IRC meeting its objectives, we will bring together external experts who will lead projects, as well as support convening activities through their own networks to support the responsive activities of the IRC.

The IRC incorporates Council of Experts that brings agile capacity and an extensive range of thematic and domain expertise. The Council members will lead both responsive and strategic projects, as well as support convening activities through their own networks to support the responsive activities of the IRC. The Council of Experts has representation from senior academics and ensures that IRC activity reflects the diversity of innovation eco-systems across England, and the specificities of the devolved nations and effectively support R&D and innovation policy across the UK.

With the experience of facilitating and drawing on such networks, the Expert Council members will, where necessary, lead round table discussions and consultations for evidence and provide responsive advisory support to UKRI stakeholders. This group will evolve across the duration of the IRC when additional expertise is required based on emerging needs.

Professor Christina Boswell

Institution: Edinburgh University Area of Expertise: Research Funding, Funder Behaviours

Professor Marc Cowling

Institution: Oxford Brookes University Area of Expertise: Finance and innovation in SMEs, financial policy instruments

Professor Jun Du

Institution: Aston University Area of Expertise: Firm productivity, internationalisation

Professor Nola Hewitt Dundas

Institution: Queen's University of Belfast Area of Expertise: University-business collaboration

Professor Cher Li

Institution: University of Nottingham Area of Expertise: Experimental approaches (RCTs), standards and innovation

Professor Colin Mason

Institution: University of Glasgow Area of Expertise: Venture capital, angel investment

Professor Katy Mason

Institution: Lancaster University Area of Expertise: Market Making, Impact, Open Innovation – Public sector innovation

Professor Kevin Morgan

Institution: Cardiff University Area of Expertise: Experimental governance, regional innovation partnerships

Professor Alice Owen

Institution: University of Leeds Area of Expertise: Sustainable and green innovation

Professor Jeremy Philipson

Institution: Newcastle University Area of Expertise: Rural R&D and innovation, place based innovation policies (rural)

Professor Ammon Salter

Institution: Warwick University Area of Expertise: University industry links and funding design and evaluation

Professor Martin Spring

Institution: Lancaster University Area of Expertise: Innovation in supply chains, responsible innovation

Dr Enrico Vanino

Institution: University of Sheffield Area of Expertise: Econometric analysis of grant impacts, spillovers, policy evaluation

Professor Marc Ventresca

Institution: Oxford University Area of Expertise: Market formation, governance, innovation and technology strategy